A Gift
A small country church with a lovely playground for children suddenly finds their entire playground sets taken not long after a Parishioner scolded a neighbor parent for taking her toddler and other children to the church's playground during non-church days. As the culprit seems to be unattainable, the church suffers not very long when an anonymous monetary gift comes to them, enough to buy a brand new set of playground equipment.
After the church's purchase of new playground equipment, the Parishioner who scolded the neighbor previously is convicted of her harsh and unkind attitude, bringing her to ask that the church begin an after school play time for all families in the neighborhood, so that everyone may be a recipient of this new blessing.
As it turns out, this was also a chance for the mother to forgive the Parishioner and teach forgiveness to her children, and their entire family began to attend the church after years of not going to any church. The whole family comes to know the Lord personally after only a little while, and in the years to follow serve the church and community faithfully, being a witness and blessing to many.